Courts and Trials 法庭與訴訟

1.Legal Terms法律用語
sue 提出控告
charge 指控
party 當事人
suit 訴訟、官司
civil suit 民事訴訟
criminal suit 刑事訴訟
deposition 宣示作證
hold (someone) in contempt of court 判決某人藐視法庭
out-of-court settlement 庭外和解
power of attorney form 授權(予律師)證明書

2.Sentences 判決
sentence to death 判處死刑
sentence to life imprisonment 判無期徒刑
send to prison for five years 判處五年徒刑
fine three hundred dollars for littering 因亂丟垃圾而罰以三百元

3.Trials 訴訟
criminal trial 刑事訴訟
civil trial 民事訴訟

4.People in a court 法庭中上場的人物
judge 法官
lawyer/attorney 律師
defense attorney 被告律師
prosecutor 檢察官
jury 陪審團
witness 目擊證人
plaintiff 原告
defendant 被告
bailiff 執行官、法警
court reporter 法庭書記官
stenographer 速記員


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